Project Work XI Edizione
A weather-balloon for carrying two scientific experiments
On the 25th of November, 2014 a balloon similar to the ones daily launched for weather forecasting purposes has been launched from Stazione di Radiosondaggio dell’Aeroporto di Pratica di Mare (Rome, Italy.). The balloon brought two experimental payloads: a) an home-made magnetometer to measure the Earth magnetic field; b) a box with some novel material who behaviour in Near-Space environment needs to be tested. The balloon was equipped to collect the measured data and transmit them real-time to a proper designed ground station. Read here to know more.
Project Work XII Edizione
Design and implementation of a LOW COST quadricopter platform able to host an Arduino-based Payload with high precise positioning capability –
Project Work XIII Edizione
Design and performance assessment of different interference detection and classification techniques for a multifunctional and reconfigurable GNSS receiver equipped with an antenna array